Best healthy foods to eat.

 Healthy food 

In this article, you will learn about the 10 best healthy foods to eat every day to maintain your health. I will provide here a chart of healthy food items that will help you create the best diet plan for yourself.
Best healthy foods to eat every day, unhealthy foods, foods that can help you lose weight. Top 10 healthy foods list.
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Here we will discuss foods that can help you lose weight and which foods are 100 percent good for your health. We will also discuss some unhealthy foods that you should avoid.

10 best healthy foods to eat every day. 

1: Milk

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Milk is an important source of protein. Proteins are very essential for human growth and the immunity system
Only one cup of milk is contained:
  • Dripping : 8 g
  • Protein : 8 g
  • Calories :146
  • RDAs for vitamins are 26%.
  • RDAs for riboflavin (B2) are 26%.
  • RDAs for vitamin B12 are 18%.
  • RDAs for potassium are 10%.
  • RDAs for phosphorus are 22.5%.
  • RDAs for selenium are 13%.
Milk is the best source of vitamins and minerals According to some studies, drinking milk is beneficial for muscles. Milk also gives strength to the bones. Milk contains calcium and vitamin D that can protect an individual from the risk of cancer. Milk prevents depression. Including milk and milk products in a dairy diet can help prevent bone diseases like osteoporosis. In short milk is a nutritious drink that can benefit your health in a number of ways.

How can milk help you lose weight ?

Milk can also help in losing weight.Well, people who want to lose weight, we personally recommend that you stop using dairy products because they contain calories and drippings .
But, Did you know that if you use milk in the right way, it will help you lose weight?
For the sake of weight loss, you can drink milk after exercising.In milk, there is a molecule named pepnide that can fight against hunger.Milk is an important part of a balanced diet.
A cup of milk a day helps keep you energized. You can have a protein shake mixed with milk after exercise to lose weight. This will lead to healthy weight loss. You will also be energetic and may not feel weak.

2: Egg 

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Eggs are pretty famous all over the world and are considered a complete nutritional food because they contain :
Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Selenium, folate , Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, and Vitamin BA.Along with them eggs also contain a huge amount of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium and zinc.
Eggs contain a good amount of cholesterol. Regularly eating eggs improve your cholesterol level.Eggs contain protein Vitamin D, folate and vitamin B that boost your immunity system and stop the attack of virus and bacteria.
Eggs also contain omega 3 that improve your eyesight.Potassium that is found in egg white play an important role in keeping blood pressure normal.
Their is a long list of health benefits of egg and it's not possible for me to cover it all in just one article.

Can eggs help you in weight loss? 

Of course yes!

Nutritionists have confirmed that eggs can be the best option for weight loss, as they reduce the feeling of hunger, and you do not eat anything for a long time.

People who eats egg at least 5 days a week have significantly loss body weight and less body fat then others. Eggs are high in proteins, which is why they are the best food for weigh control.

3: Fish 

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Fish is considered a very healthy source of food. Fish contain a huge number of vitamins and minerals. Fish contain vitamin D and vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is also known as riboflavin. Fish also contain phosphorus and calcium.Consult fish for an exact amount that will benefit you.
Fish is the best source of vitamin D for those who don't get vitamin D from the sun.The fatty acids found in abundance in fish improve the flow of air in the lungs, which prevents breathing difficulties.
Regular consumption of fish is very important to improve lung health.Fatty acids found in fish play an important role in decreasing depression.
Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which lower the level of harmful cholesterol in the body.

Weight loss

Oily fish are surprisingly good for human health. Salmon are called fresh-water edible fish. Salmon fish is rich in high quality protein, beneficial fats and all important nutrients. Iodine is also found in fish. Fish helps in maintaining and losing weight.

4: Beets 

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Beets contain all the necessary vitamins that we need, and along with these vitamins, beets also contain a very low number of calories.
100 grammes of beet consists of:
  • 44 calories
  • 1.7 g of protein
  • Dripping 0.2 gramme
  • 2 grammes of fibre.
  • The vitamin C content is 6%.
  • 20% Folate
  • (3% B6 vitamin)
  • Megnecium (6%).
  • 9% potassium
  • Phosphorus (4%).
  • 16% manganese
  • Iron : 4%
Beets also lower your blood pressure. It lowers blood pressure by 4 to 10 mmHg in just a few hours. Regular use of beets increases the body's ability to use oxygen by 20% ,so use of this vegetable increases the oxygen in the blood and reaches the whole body.
Only 100 grammes of beet contain 4% iron, which plays a very important role in the production of red blood cells in the body. Pregnant women often develop anemia, and in such cases, beets are very useful for pregnant women.
Weight loss
Beets are low in calories and high in water content, and experts say that foods that are low in calories, like fruits and vegetables, are very important in melting excess body fat and losing weight.

5: kale 

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Kale may be unfamiliar to you, but don't worry, today I will provide you with essential information about this vegetable.This vegetable is known as kale because of its leaves, which are fleshy and wavey. The importance of this food began to increase until it became a staple of the daily diet.
Kale contains a very low number of calories. That's why it is light food to eat.Kale contains an abundance of minerals.
It also contains iron, so it is perfect for those who suffer from anaemia and want to get rid of this problem.Kale contains vitamins A, K, and E.
This vegetable contains many antioxidants, ideal for keeping our bodies young.

Weight loss 

Kale provides 100 calories per 45 grams, making it a really light meal. If you want to lose weight   it will be a great addition to your daily diet.

6: peanut butter 

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Regarding butter, it is said that it increases weight and stops the work of raising cholesterol in the body, but there are some butters that can help you solve major health problems.
You may have eaten a lot of peanuts, but you may not have used peanut butter because it's quite expensive.Today I am going to share with you an easy recipe for making peanut butter :
Peel the peanuts as needed and put them in a bowl.Then put these roasted peanuts in a blender and make a powder.Heat 2 cups of oil in a pot and add half a cup of milk groundnut powder and a spoonful of sugar and cook it well.Then add 1 spoon of vanilla essence and 2 spoons of honey and cook it well.After half an hour, pour this paste into an open container and let it dry.
Your peanut butter is ready.
This butter contains copper, selenium, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and manganese, including vitamins B1,B2,B5,B9,PP,E, K, and D, and calories. which makes it beneficial for us.This butter helps you to eliminate the problem of kidney in controlling heart disease.It acts as medicine for major diseases like cancer and stroke.

Weight loss 

Eating this butter does not cause weight gain as it is low in calories and contains zinc, which helps lower cholesterol.

So from now on, you can eat butter as much as you want.

7: Almonds 

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Almonds are a dry fruit that is rich in nutritional properties. With the use of this fruit, cholesterol levels remain normal along with an increase in mental capacity.
It is the ideal fruit that can be eaten at any time of day or night.Approximately 28 grammes of almonds contain 165 calories, 6 grammes of protein, 14 grammes of fat, 6 grammes of carbohydrates, and 3 grammes of fiber.
Almonds help in keeping blood glucose levels normal, which reduces the risk of diabetes.The healthy fats, antioxidant properties, copper and magnesium present in this fruit play an important role in maintaining the health of heart arteries.

Read more : Citrus fruits 

Weight loss 

Almonds are very low in sweetness, so consuming them in small amounts every day improves metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

8: Mangoes 

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Mango is one of my favourite fruits and I am sure that after knowing its benefits, it will become one of your favourite fruits too.Mangoes are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C, fiber, and pectin. It is the best fruit to control high cholesterol levels.
Mangoes clean your body from the inside and give you energy.Mangoes are rich in tartatic, malic acid, and stearic acid and are a great tool to make your body fit and attractive.

Weight loss

After eating mangoes, since many nutrients and minerals are hidden in them, you feel full and good, after which you don't need to eat any kind of snacks
Also, the high fibre content in mango helps in digestion and burns unwanted calories in the body.

9: Olive oil 

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The fatty acids present in olive oil play an important role in strengthening the immune system of the human body, thereby increasing the body's resistance to diseases and illnesses.Olive oil helps lower diabetes, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels, which means that this diet can be very beneficial for diabetics.
Olive oil also gives strength to the memory and reduces the risk of depression.

Weight loss

Monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil increase metabolism and help with weight loss.Olive oil is full of omega 3 fatty acids, which improves good cholesterol( HDL) .
It is also good for digestion and balancing your hormones.

10: Cruciferous vegetables 

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Cruciferous vegetables, popularly named for their four-petaled flowers, are known for their many health benefits.
Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, and dark leafy greens like spinach are rich sources of vitamin C and K, folate, potassium, fiber, and magnesium.They also have cancer-fighting properties.
According to the UNC School of Medicine, cruciferous vegetables contain compounds called glucoxanolates, which are broken down by food into isothiocyanates and indoles, which are known to reduce inflammation, which reduces the risk of cancer.
In my opinion, this is the best of all the foods we discussed.This is just my opinion. What do you think?

Weight loss

broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy, arugula, brussels sprouts, collards, watercress, and radishes. These cruciferous vegetables are high in fibre and low in calories, a combination that will help you feel full and satisfied without overeating.

Unhealthy  foods 

Now you have come to know about many healthy foods and I am sure you will definitely include them in your daily diet.But there are some things that without following a healthy diet will not have much effect on your health.To improve your health, you have to avoid eating unhealthy foods. This is because a bad thing always shows its effect faster than a good thing.

Well, we are talking about diets here.So, I have prepared a list of unhealthy foods here, which is listed below:Candy
  1. Soda
  2. Potato chips
  3. Processed meals
  4. Microwave popcorn
  5. Frozen meals
  6. energy drinks
  7. Margarine
  8. Instant noodles
  9. Bacon
If you eat a lot of these things and want to be healthy, you have to give up these foods, and if you can't, at least reduce them.If you follow these instructions properly, you will be able to improve your health to a great extent.


So we discussed all the healthy foods that you can eat every day. You also found out which foods help you lose weight and learned about some harmful and unhealthy foods.I have tried my best to convey correct and useful information to you, and I am sure that you have found the answers to your questions that you were looking for.

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