Kettlebell shoulder workout

The Complete Guide to Kettlebell Shoulder Workouts: The Benefits and Why You Should Start Doing Them Today

Kettelbell shoulder workout

What are kettlebells?

Kettlebell workouts are a great way to get your heart pumping and burn fat in a short period of time.Kettlebells are traditionally used for weight training, but they can also be used for cardio if you perform a high-intensity cardio workout with the kettlebell at the end of your workout.

The kettlebell is made up of two pieces: a handle and a ball. The handle has a thumb ring, which you use to grip the kettlebell and hold it above your head during movements.Kettlebell workouts are quick to do, which makes them ideal for when you don’t have much time. They also leave your muscles feeling sore after exercise!

How to do a kettlebell shoulder press?

Shoulder press with a kettlebell

Stand in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart. Grab the kettlebell with both hands, then lift it overhead. Use your arms to swing the kettlebell up towards your shoulders and then slowly lower it back down to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Pullover with a kettlebell

Lie on the floor with your feet together and arms at your sides. Grab a kettlebell and hold it over your head at shoulder height. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull yourself up until your chest is above the kettlebell. Slowly lower yourself back down to the ground and repeat for the desired number of reps.

Shoulder extension with a kettlebell

Lie on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your arms at your sides. Grab a kettlebell and hold it above or near one shoulder at arm's length so that it hangs over both sides of your body like a hammock. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull yourself up so that only half of the weight is above each side.

These are 5 of the best kettlebell shoulder exercises for strength and size
Kettelbell shoulder workout

Shoulders are a key muscle group in the upper body. They help you lift your arms and shoulders, as well as rotate your torso to the side. They also help you lift your arm and hold it there for a period of time.
Shoulder workouts can be done at home or in a gym. Here are five exercises that use a kettlebell to strengthen the shoulders:

1) Shoulder Presses: 

Begin with an empty kettlebell held at shoulder height. Place both hands on the bell one under each wrist and press it overhead so that it's about six inches off the ground. Your elbows should be bent at about 90 degrees; keep your torso upright, but don't lock out your elbows (if this happens, come down immediately). Pause in the top position for two counts before lowering back down to the starting position. Rest one minute between sets and perform three sets of eight reps each time around (for example, if you're doing three sets of eight reps, you'll do 18 reps total).

2) Rear Laterals:

One of the most effective exercises for developing strong, defined shoulders is the rear lateral raise. This move targets the posterior deltoid, which is the muscle that gives your shoulder its round shape.
To perform a rear lateral raise, start by holding a kettlebell in each hand with your palms facing your thighs. Then, raise your arms out to the side until they’re parallel with the ground. Be sure to keep your elbows slightly bent and your shoulders down and away from your ears.
As you raise the kettlebells, focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together. This will help to really isolate the posterior deltoid. Once your arms are parallel with the ground, pause for a count of two and then slowly lower the kettlebells back to the starting position.Start with three sets of 10–12 repetitions and progress to heavier weights as you get stronger.

3)Kettlebell windmill

Are you looking for a new and challenging shoulder exercise? Then you should try the kettlebell windmill! This exercise is a great way to build strength and stability in your shoulders and can be done with a moderately sized kettlebell.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do the kettlebell windmill:
Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a kettlebell in your right hand.Hold the kettlebell at arm’s length in front of your right shoulder.Brace your core and lower the kettlebell to your right hip while keeping your right arm straight.Once the kettlebell reaches your hip, rotate your torso to the left and reach your left hand up to the sky.Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.Do 3-5 sets of 8–10 reps on each side. 
Also read : Kettlebell shoulder workout

4) Clean and press

 Clean and press is one of the most effective kettlebell exercise.This exercise targets the shoulders, chest, and arms, making it a great move for overall upper-body strength.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing the kettlebell clean and press:
Start by holding a kettlebell in each hand with your feet shoulder-width apart.Lower the kettlebells to the ground by bending your knees and hingeing at the hips.Drive your legs explosively to stand up and swing the kettlebells up to your shoulders.From here, press the kettlebells overhead, extending your arms fully.Lower the kettlebells back down to your shoulders, and then return them to the ground.
Repeat this movement for the desired number of reps.If you’re new to kettlebells, start with a lighter weight

5) Push press with a kettle bell

The kettlebell shoulder push press is a great exercise for developing shoulder and upper body strength. This exercise can be performed with one or two kettlebells. If you are using one kettlebell, hold it in your right hand and push it up overhead with your right arm. If you are using two kettlebells, hold one in each hand and push them both up overhead.

Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and the kettlebells at shoulder level. From here, dip slightly at the knees and then explosively press the kettlebells up overhead. As you press the kettlebells up, shrug your shoulders and then lock out your arms. Return to the starting position and repeat for 10 reps.This exercise can also be performed with a barbell. The barbell shoulder push press is performed in the same manner as the kettlebell shoulder push press, except that you will be using a barbell instead of kettlebells.

Yes4All Vinyl Coated Kettlebell Set of Weights-Strength Training Kettlebell Sets 25, 30, 35, 45, 60, 70, 105 lbs.
Kettlebell shoulder workouts

Are you looking for a quality kettlebell set that won't break the bank? Look no further than the Yes4All Vinyl Coated Kettlebell Set. This set includes six kettlebells in the following sizes: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 pounds. The vinyl coating protects your floors and makes the kettlebells easy to grip. The flat bottom design keeps the kettlebells stable when you set them down.

Buy now 

The Yes4All Vinyl Coated Kettlebell Set is a great choice for both beginners and experienced kettlebell users. The different weight options allow you to gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. The vinyl coating is easy on your hands and helps to protect your floors. The flat bottom design keeps the kettlebells stable when you set them down.


The kettlebell is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can add to your fitness routine. It can work for any fitness level, from beginners to advanced athletes. Kettlebells are a great way to build muscle and lose weight, but they also provide an excellent cardiovascular workout. The best part is that you don't need any equipment or special clothing just some space, a kettlebell, and your own body weight!
Kettlebell workouts are also incredibly fun you don't need to be in a gym or have equipment to be able to do them. You can do them anywhere, anytime you have time (and don't forget: they're totally portable!). Plus, who doesn't love trying something new?
No matter what your goals are, kettlebell training will help you get there. Whether it's building muscles or burning calories, kettlebell exercises will help you achieve it!

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